Kindly refer to Para-2 and 3 of the Instructions about Confidential Reports and instructions issued vide letter No.SOR- IV(S&GAD)14-2/89, dated 16-6-2012 on the subject noted above.
It has been observed that reports on the work and conduct of civil servants are not written and countersigned within the time frame prescribed for this purpose. Consequently, promotion cases of Government servants are deferred by the competent authorities due to in- complete PERs. Thus, the officers/officials suffer for no fault of theirs. The piece-meal consideration of cases of concerned civil servants for promotion leads to frustration amongst the officers/ officials and tends to encourage litigation.
It has also been noted with concern that a number of Reporting as well as Countersigning Officers are giving ‘outstanding’ remarks in Part-VI of the PER Form frequently without giving any justification which is against the spirit of the instructions of the government
referred above. The Reporting and Countersigning Authorities must draw another box in Part-VI of the PER Forms in hands, initial it and write ‘outstanding’ on the descriptive side, if they think that the working of an officer reported upon remained up to the mark. They are required to justify the same.
It is, therefore, requested that all Reporting/Countersigning Authorities under your administrative control may kindly be directed to strictly follow the prescribed time schedule for
writing/countersigning of PERs of their subordinates (schedule enclosed). It may also be ensured that all the reports are completed and placed on the PER Dossiers within the prescribed time limit. A certificate about completion of PERs for the year 2016 should reach the Regulations Wing of S&GAD in the first week of February, 2017. The defaulting authorities should be brought to the notice of Government for appropriate remedial action.
The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned for compliance in letter and spirit.
Dated Lahore the 19 January, 2017
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