Halloween party ideas 2015

The undersigned is directed to say that the Federal Cabinet while approving Budget for the Financial year 2012-13 on 1st June, 2012, was also Pleased to approve that “since promotion chances are virtually non-existing for employees in BS 1-4, their Scales be upgraded after certain length of service."

2. Tho matter has been examined in the Finance Division in consultation with the Establishment Division It has been decided as under with effect from January 1, 2013
  • i)  Employees of BPS 1 to 4 may be entitled to one step ‘Promotion to next pay scale twice throughout their service
  • ii) An employee falling in the above category may be given one Step promotion to the immediate next pay scale in which he is serving presently after rendering. 10 years of satisfactory service from the date of his regular appointment.

  • iii) The second one-step Promotion to next pay scale may be granted to him after completion of another 10 years. of service from the date of first promotion or after rendering satisfactory service of 20 years from the date of regular appointment.

  • iv) BPS 1 to 4 employees who were moved one step up w.e.f. 01-07-2012 in pursuance of para-2 of Finance, Division's O.M.No.P.6(4)R-1/2006 dated 2906-2007, will be entitled
  • to the second one step. promotion 10. next. scale on completion of 20 years satisfactory service from the date of their regular appointment.

3. All the Ministries/Divisions are requested to take further necessary action to implement the above policy and will strictly observe prescribed Procedure for promotion of these employees.

Government of Pakistan
Finance Division
(Regulation Wing)
Letter No. 1(4)R-1/2009
Dated: 31st December 2012

Spacial Thanks to glxspace . com

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